Thanks To Dental Sedation, Root Canals Aren’t As Painful As You Think!

July 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 12:37 pm

worried person who is going to visit their sedation dentist in SaratogaHearing that you need root canal therapy can be a scary and daunting moment, especially if all you’ve heard about the procedure are rumors. The common misconception surrounding this treatment is that it’s painful, when really, it’s not. Most of the discomfort that you’ll experience is the toothache caused by the tooth infection itself, not the actual treatment. Read on to learn about why visiting a sedation dentist in Saratoga is the key to having a comfortable and pain-free endodontic treatment. (more…)

3 Emergencies Where You’ll Need the Help of an Endodontist

May 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 3:06 pm

Woman in striped sweater nursing a toothacheYou probably already know that if you’ve injured a tooth or are suffering from some kind of oral pain, you’re generally better off calling your emergency dentist in Saratoga than the emergency room. But is there a specific kind of dentist you should call? There are many emergencies where an endodontist will be the most qualified specialist to relieve your pain and prevent the loss of your tooth. In this post, you’ll learn more about 3 severe oral health issues where you’ll want to get in touch with a skilled endodontist as soon as possible.


5 Warning Signs That You Could Need a Root Canal Right Now

April 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 2:09 pm

Root canal treatmentIllustration of tooth at different stages of root canal therapy is a very widely known dental procedure (and an unfairly feared one that typically causes no more pain than a routine filling), but how will you know if you actually need it? The goal of the treatment is to remove an infection that could slowly destroy your tooth from the inside out and eventually pose a threat to your overall health. You should get in touch with your emergency dentist right away if you notice any signs of such an infection; below are 5 common symptoms that you should always pay attention to.


Can You Eat or Drink Before Your Appointment? 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Root Canal Therapy

March 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 9:52 pm

Woman resting at home after root canal therapyEvery year, about 15 million teeth are saved with root canal therapy in the United States. The procedure has helped many patients overcome their pain and keep their smiles intact. But like any procedure, the success of the root canal largely depends on the care you give yourself before and after your appointment. If you want to speed up recovery time and avoid a new infection later on, keep these 5 do’s and don’ts in mind when your dentist recommends root canal therapy.


Will You Need to Be Sedated During Your Root Canal?

February 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 5:13 pm

3D render of a root canal in SaratogaAre you avoiding a procedure that might mean the difference between keeping and losing a natural tooth? Many people end up not undergoing root canal therapy because they’re afraid of the pain that they think it’ll cause. To help people overcome this anxiety, many practices will offer some form of dental sedation. But the question is, will you really need it? Keep reading in order to learn more about what you can expect during a root canal in Saratoga and whether you’ll want to be sedated during the process.


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