Why See an Endodontist Instead of the Dentist for Root Canals?

May 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 8:59 pm
Illustration of model of tooth having root canal performed

Root canal therapy is a procedure that can stop the pain of a persistent infection and save your tooth from needing to be extracted. Needless to say, it’s an extremely important procedure for keeping your natural smile intact. So the question is, who should you trust to handle your root canal therapy? On the one hand, all dentists have some training in performing the procedure, but if you want the best results, you should see an endodontist – a specialist that focuses on root canal therapy and other procedures that involve the inside of the tooth. Below are 3 important reasons why you should choose an endodontist over a regular dentist to salvage an infected tooth.


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